Ork society is broken down into a number of clans, collections of Orks who follow one philosophy or another. There are several clans of Orks, but some of the most prominent noted in the 40K
Read morePlaying the Ork Clans in 40K

Ork society is broken down into a number of clans, collections of Orks who follow one philosophy or another. There are several clans of Orks, but some of the most prominent noted in the 40K
Read moreEach Eldar Craftworld has its own unique style of martial forces, whether by choice or circumstance. Below are some guidelines on how to use the rules in Codex: Eldar to represent an army of each
Read moreWelcome to Realms of Inisfail! This is a new site that’s born of an old site. Well, three old websites, rather: The Realm of Inisfail, The Old Sage, and Kaptin Gavrin’s Web Site. They were
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